LAVINIA: Founder of LAVIN EVENTS & Instructor/Coach – has a feel for life, fun and enjoyment. With previous experience of running a dance/theatre school for children between 5 and 18, she gained an insight of the importance of confidence and self-worth. Her feel for dance & music started very early, when at the age of 6, she was giving Ballroom Dancing demonstrations in front of large audiences.
Her PASSION – Meeting people and having fun. Loves to help you to build your confidence, enhancing body language and give an overall insight of how to improve your lifestyle … increase your networking … and generally feel better about your self.
Regularly supplies entertainment at the yearly Christmas Party of one of The Netherland’s largest International Organisations. Due to the Covid restrictions of last year, Lavinia presented their Virtual Christmas Party which was linked up live to 6 different Countries.
Understanding that getting the best out of life can often seem like a difficult task – managing your daily routine leaves little time to reflect upon what you actually need, which is why Lavinia includes her Confidence Building sessions during the retreats.
“Your mind is a garden … Your thoughts are the seeds … You can grow flowers … Or you can grow weeds”
A healthy living, along with the knowledge of how to grow within your dreams and to succeed in your goals, is a good start.

BRENDA: Yoga Instructor – Has attended 200 hr Teacher training Course at Trimurti Yoga in India during 2014, gaining enough skills so as to convert her dream of teaching Yoga into reality. In 2015 after retiring from full time employment, she returned to Trimurti Yoga to complete a further 300 hour TTC course. There Brenda covered many Yoga styles such as Ashtanga, Haha, Vinyasa & Sivananda, as well as Anatomy & Philosophy. The 300 hour training was inspired by 5-elemental yoga in YANG (Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Power, Hatha) and YIN styles (Gentle Hatha, Yin, Restorative, gentle flow with Qi-gong/Tai-chi-elements).

In 2016 Brenda began teaching community classes for over 50’s and branched out to classes for all ages, some of which are mixed ages between 20 & 70.
Start living your new life today…

BILJANA: Certified Plant-Based Nutrition Coach who is passionate about a wholesome food life for her family & everyone.

After completing the Plant-Based Nutrition course at eCornell & the Culinary Medicine College in the UK, Biljana then went on to achieve a certification from Rouxbe Cooking School, focusing on both Heart & Gut Health. To extend her knowledge, she attending numerous webinars & lectures which highlighted the evidence based effects & benefits that these delicious & healthy Plant Based foods give, ensuring a healthy life style & overall well being. Biljana is now dedicated to helping busy professional women to achieve their health goals, guiding them all the way through the “habit” changes to improve the relationship with their bodies & mindset.